How the E sports fans managed to send their favorite teams to the Electronic Sports World Cup

How the E sports fans managed to send their favorite teams to the Electronic Sports World Cup

To prepare the Call of Duty Championship, hosted in Paris by the ESWC (Electronic Sports World Cup), the staff wanted to organise a vote to let electronic sports fan decide which teams (one French and one US) deserved to be invited to the event without going through the qualification phase.

The chosen teams were automatically qualified to the final stage of the competition and their travel and accommodation expenses were covered by the ESWC.

How did it work ?

An article has been released on the ESWC Blog and a tweet launched the operation :

Each team had to engage their communities to reach the highest number of votes. The hashtag has been in Trending Topic during 48h.

There has been more than 5 200 votes counted for the french version of the vote and 4 300 for the american one that has been automatically counted along the 3 days of the operation with Like a Bird Apps. Each participant received a confirmation message of their vote, or an error message if his tweet was invalid.

The amazing Like a Bird features which helped this operation to be a success :

  • Automatic Vote confirmation
  • Automatic reminder tweet if the choice is wrong
  • Real-time counting

Antoine Frankart's feeling, event organiser :

"What a great customer service, @LikeABirdAgency. Thanks a lot for your Twitter vote platform ! "

Want to try ?

To discover Like a Bird Apps and organise your own vote, visit Like A Bird Apps!